Azərbaycan Gənclərinin
İctimai Yardım Assosiasiyası
(MAGİYA) ictimai birliyi
Public Support Association
of Youth of Azerbaijan
(EPSAYA) public union
“Maarifçilik amalımızdır!”                                                                                                                         “Enlightenment is our aim!”
Our donors
eeas.europa.eu www.statoil.com www.savethechildren.org www.usaid.gov www.ndi.org www.azerbaijan.usembassy.org www.iom.az www.mys.gov.az youthfoundation.az cssn.gov.az undef.org epfound.org government.nl
Our partners
reliablefuture.org mitost.org www.ayu-az.org
Training courses on the topic of suffrage continues in the South region


November 28-29, EPSAYA public union implemented 2 days training courses within the project of “Raising of the activity and participation of the youth in the municipal elections” with the financial support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the 25 young people from the 7 different regions of the Azerbaijan Republic (Astara, Beylagan, Bilasuvar, Jalilabad, Lerik, Lankaran and Saatly) in AB Gala Hotel, Lankaran city. There were 14 female and 11 male young participants in the training course. Besides the staff of the organization Mr. Nazim Amanullayev, Senior Advisor of the Department of Public-Political and Humanitarian issues of Lankaran City Executive Power, Mr. Nazim Valiyev, Head deputy of Lankaran city Youth and Sport Department, Mr. Azar Alaskarov, Head deputy of Lankaran municipality, Mr. Samid Abbasov and Mr. Malik Bakhshiyev, the representatives of Lankaran district election committee number 73 also participated in the training course and shared their knowledge and experiences with the youth. During the training course the staff and the participants discussed a lot of issues on the topic of suffrage – “General information about municipality and the institute of municipality, development stages and forming of the municipality institute in Azerbaijan, general information about suffrage – general information for the voter for its first time, election culture – elections in the world practice, forms of general election and kind of holding – legal regulation of the election, equal and direct election rights – usage from election rights, forms and holding of the election in Azerbaijan – legislation regulating the elections, active and passive election right – the necessary legal documents for participation like an elector in the election, determining of the names in elector list in the voting process and rule of filling of the voting bulletins”. During the training the staff used different role-playing games, interactive group works, debates, simulations, focus group discussions and presentations and more other training methods including watching to the different social videos related to the topics throughout the entire session. At the end of the training course the corresponding booklets and certificates have been presented to all participants. In the end all participants thanked to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan for providing implementation of such kind of important project for the youth in the South region.




What are the main problems of the youth of the region?
Weak participation in the process of networking and organizing
Lack of information and internet access
Unemployment or low level of income
Ä°neffective organization of leisure
Have a weak attention by the local and international organizations

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