Azərbaycan Gənclərinin
İctimai Yardım Assosiasiyası
(MAGİYA) ictimai birliyi
Public Support Association
of Youth of Azerbaijan
(EPSAYA) public union
“Maarifçilik amalımızdır!”                                                                                                                         “Enlightenment is our aim!”
Our donors
eeas.europa.eu www.statoil.com www.savethechildren.org www.usaid.gov www.ndi.org www.azerbaijan.usembassy.org www.iom.az www.mys.gov.az youthfoundation.az cssn.gov.az undef.org epfound.org government.nl
Our partners
reliablefuture.org mitost.org www.ayu-az.org

EPSAYA public union was awarded several times with Honorary Decrees and once with a diploma for their active role in social and political life of the region and successfully implementing state youth policy in the areas.

Awards got EPSAYA public union

Content Title Date and place Organization
1 “Successful implementation of state youth policy in the areas” Honorary Decree February 02, 2007, Lankaran Lankaran City Youth and Sport Department
2 “According to take an active part in the social and political life of the region” Honorary Decree December 29, 2010, Lankaran Lankaran City Executive Power
3 “According to successful activities in 2011 year” Honorary Diploma February 01, 2012, Baku Azerbaijan Republic, Ministry of Youth and Sport
4 Certificate of national accreditation on “Azerbaijan Voluntarism Service” Certificate December 05, 2013, Baku National Assembly of Youth Organizations of Republic of Azerbaijan

Honorary Diploma presented to EPSAYA public union by the Ministry
of Youth and Sport of the Azerbaijan Republic


EPSAYA public union has established an Honorary Diploma in the name of “Friend of Youth” “According to support in the area of youth development” on May 27, 2012.




What are the main problems of the youth of the region?
Weak participation in the process of networking and organizing
Lack of information and internet access
Unemployment or low level of income
Ä°neffective organization of leisure
Have a weak attention by the local and international organizations

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The official web page of EPSAYA public union
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