Azərbaycan Gənclərinin
İctimai Yardım Assosiasiyası
(MAGİYA) ictimai birliyi
Public Support Association
of Youth of Azerbaijan
(EPSAYA) public union
“Maarifçilik amalımızdır!”                                                                                                                         “Enlightenment is our aim!”
Our donors
eeas.europa.eu www.statoil.com www.savethechildren.org www.usaid.gov www.ndi.org www.azerbaijan.usembassy.org www.iom.az www.mys.gov.az youthfoundation.az cssn.gov.az undef.org epfound.org government.nl
Our partners
reliablefuture.org mitost.org www.ayu-az.org
The training courses in the framework of the project of “Enhancing Cooperation Measures to Effectively Combat Trafficking in Persons through Capacity Building and Technical Assistance in Azerbaijan – Phase III” has started in Astara region


February 10-17, 2014, EPSAYA public union has implemented 30 training courses in the framework of the project of “Enhancing Cooperation Measures to Effectively Combat Trafficking in Persons through Capacity Building and Technical Assistance in Azerbaijan – Phase III” with the financial support of the U.S. State Department and organizational support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Lankaran region. The project’s goal is to capacitate school pupils, university students, youth and other members in the communities and to subsequently disseminate information on trafficking prevention and safe migration among their peers in their own communities. The training courses were organized in Astara city secondary school number 1 named after M.A.Sabir, Astara city secondary school number 2 named after Z.M.Bunyadov, Astara city secondary school number 3 named after Jeyhun Babayev, Astara city secondary school number 4 named after Sh.Gasimov, Astara city secondary school number 5, Astara city secondary school number 6 named after F.Aliyarov, Astara city secondary school number 7 named after Rasim Jamalov, Shahagaji village secondary school number 2 named after Davud Asadov, Shahagaji village secondary school number 1 named after R.Mirzayev, Shiyakaran village secondary school number 1 named after Nizami Ganjavi, Shiyakaran village secondary school number 2 named after Oktay Yahyayev, Pensar village secondary school number 1 named after M.F.Akhundov, Pensar village secondary school – lyceum with a natural and technical subjects bias named after Z.A.Ahmadzada, Telman village secondary school named after Polad Hasanov, Vago village secondary school named after Maharram Abiyev, Siyaku village secondary school, Shaglazuza village secondary school, Tangarud village secondary school named after Samad Vurgun, Mashkhan village secondary school named after Aliyev Nizami son of Valiaga, Kijaba settlement secondary school named after Nail Hasanov, Lovayin village secondary school named after A.Hidayatov, Archivan settlement secondary school number 3 named after N. Karimov, Archivan settlement secondary school number 1 named after F.Gasimov, Archivan settlement secondary school number 2 named after S.Kalantarov, Archivan settlement secondary school number 4, Sanjaradi village secondary school named after Elman Agayev, Shuvi village secondary school named after Azad Ibrahimov, Sarak village secondary school named after Yalchin Nasirov, Kakalos village secondary school number 1 named after Jafar Jabbarli and Astara Humanitarian College with the joint participation of the representatives of Astara region Department of Education. Overall, 925 pupils and students participated in the training courses. During the training courses the risks of human trafficking and safe migration issues have been widely discussed between the staff and the participants and relevant booklets and brochures were distributed to the participants. During the training courses the staff members widely used different training methods like presentations, focus group discussions, brainstorming and debate, and watching some videos on the subject. At the end all thanked to the donors for their support and attention in the direction of increasing the capacity building and knowledge of the pupils from the regions.




What are the main problems of the youth of the region?
Weak participation in the process of networking and organizing
Lack of information and internet access
Unemployment or low level of income
Ä°neffective organization of leisure
Have a weak attention by the local and international organizations

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