During August month 5 community-based proposals/projects implemented in the South region by the graduates of the leadership program
Within the implementation of the first community-based project in the name of “Making a model street with removing refuse from the street” amounting to 270 AZN, the graduates of the leadership program and their volunteers removed rubbish from M.Asadov Str
Evaluation for the community-based proposals / projects of the graduates of the leadership program
July 18, EPSAYA public union organized a meeting about the winners of the community-based proposals / projects and fundraising for them related to the small sub-grants for the graduates of the leadership program at the office.
The summer camp for the youth in Masalli
July 07-09, EPSAYA public union organized the 3 days summer camp within the project of “Building leadership skills of young people from rural areas” for the 25 youth participants of the project in “Zirva” Rest Center, Masalli region.