Fighting against HIV/AIDS and Addiction in the South region started in Lankaran
23-24, EPSAYA public union organized 2 days training courses within the project
of “Fighting
against HIV/AIDS and Addiction in the South region” for the 26 youth
participants from the 8 different regions...
Narmin Huseynzada, the Executive director of EPSAYA public union is already in the homeland
23, Narmin Huseynzada, the Executive director of EPSAYA public union has
already come back to Azerbaijan
from the State of Arizona, US as a community
leader of “The Youth Leadership Program with Azerbaijan (YLP)”.
The first NGO site of the South region was founded
23, EPSAYA public union organized a meeting related to the presentation
of the web page of EPSAYA public union in AB
Gala hotel, in Lankaran city.